Water is a vital nutrient needed for the survival of all life forms. This includes plants, animals, and us humans. Yes, even the mighty human race must depend on water to survive. When it comes to helping the environment, water conservation is an important key factor. Even if it is just using less water at home, or turning the tap off, our little contributions often make the greatest difference in water conservation. The product I have chosen is the "No More No Less" faucet designed by Jasper Hou. This product not only provides visual ecstasy, it brings cooking and saving water to a whole new dimension. The LCD screen displays a number of functions that will aid our journey of water conservation. The screen shows the current amount of water flow, and the temperature of the water. This is exceptionally useful when we are making instant coffee or similar products. The amount and temperature of the water can be preset and controlled so that no amount of water goes to waste, and the faucet will immediately stop water from flowing. That means making the perfect cup of instant coffee every single time. Furthermore, the faucet can also record the total water outflow from this faucet, so we will have an idea of how much water we are using. Another function this faucet provides is the 30-second meter. The 30-second meter will turn off the faucet 30 seconds after it was last used to ensure that there is no flooding, and no extra water is wasted. Moreover, to top all of this off, the running water from the faucet powers the LCD screen. This water-conserving faucet does not need any extra electricity and energy to power it. In conclusion, I am tempted to buy this product not only because it is extremely stylish, but it can also help conserve water. Water is important for every living organism's survival, and everyone should participate or try to conserve water. I believe that by using Jasper Hou's invention, the "No More No Less", we can save water from our own home, and spread the idea of water conservation.
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