Friday, January 15, 2010

Why not?

Why not dress up for spirit week? Why not have some fun with friends? Why not show some Palmer pride? Many people do not dress up for Spirit week because they are scared of embarrassing themselves, but who will actually make fun of them? Palmer is a relatively small school which is great, because everyone’s friendly and familiar with one another. Some people do not dress up for Spirit week because they think it’s a hassle. Yes, some of the Spirit days are quite hard to prepare for because of their complicated themes, but it only takes 10 minutes maximum to plan out something. Take those ten minutes you spend rolling around in bed trying to sleep, and use them to plan out a superb Spirit week costume! Like growing tulips, a little effort will bring beautiful results. If one thinks that “Oh, even if I dress up it won’t make a difference. Other people aren’t going to do it anyways”, then they are wrong. If a couple of people see you, they might dress up as well, and if their friends see them have so much spirit, they might do it too. Pass on the Palmer Spirit! One can only attend Palmer for five years maximum (for most people anyways), so how many Spirit weeks will there be? When one is done with secondary school, where else can they participate in a school Spirit week? Enjoy being a Griffin while you still can, for time flies by quickly. Be involved with our school, make memories that will last for all the years to come, and most importantly, have Spirit! So now, why exactly won’t you want to participate in Spirit week? WHY NOT?

1 comment:

  1. Actually, if it's a smaller school, it's a whole lot easier to get hurt, because the community is so small.
